Oral Presentation mini course
Improve your public speaking skills by registering for English Language Learning’s Oral Presentation mini course!
In this course, you’ll learn how to structure a speech, organize your ideas and overcome anxiety around public speaking.
In person classes begin on Jan. 9 and virtual classes start on Jan. 13.
Reading & Writing mini course
Join the Reading & Writing mini course by English Language Learning.
This online course focuses on writing emails to instructors in response to articles and readings. You’ll develop your comprehension skills through practical exercises.
Classes start on Jan. 14.
Register: uoft.me/ELL
Register now on the ELL website for the Fall 2024 Communication Café Intensive (Fall Reading Week, October 28-30, 2024) and Professional Writing (November 11-29, 2024).
These non-credit mini courses are free, open to students in all years, and provide a great boost in academic language development. ELL welcomes both multilingual and English-only students.
Most writing centres will be open during Reading Week, some for reduced hours. Check your writing centre for availability. After Reading Week, many centres will offer increased hours.
If you’re beginning your undergraduate degree, you can help prepare for what lies ahead next fall by participating in one of U of T’s many intake programs. Many colleges have designed programs specifically for their incoming students. Check with your college registrar to see what might be available. Here’s a listing of some of the college offerings:
- As part of its program for newly admitted students, New College offers a series of workshops on writing, research and navigating courses. Students are also invited to make appointments for individual consultations during the summer. Book appointments online.
- In mid- to late-August, University College students can attend one of six skills sessions as part of its Getting Started Early program. UC also invites its incoming students to bring a sample of high school work for a one-on-one appointment during July or August. Book all group or one-on-one sessions online.
- Victoria College offers a Writing at the University seminar for newly admitted students.
- Woodsworth College offers its new students the Jump Start program, a full-day introduction to getting the most out of the U of T experience (lunch is provided). Register online.
- UTM‘s Head Start program in late August provides a free series of interactive sessions specially designed to help first-year students achieve success. Incoming UTM students can come to as many sessions as they like.
- In the first half of September, Student Life will offer a number of workshops for new students as part of its Kickstart program. Registration begins on the Kickstart site in July.
All U of T operations are affected by the COVID-19 response; check with your writing centre to learn how they are handling appointments. The Message from the University regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) can be found here.
Only some of the University’s writing centres are open during the summer months.
- All of the downtown college writing centres will be open during the summer. Undergraduate students taking courses in the Faculty of Arts and Science on the St George campus can book up to two appointments. Students taking a program course in a different college can bring work on the course to that college’s writing centre.
- Students can book at most of the writing centres in professional faculties: The Health Sciences Writing Centre is open to students of Dentistry, Nursing, Pharmacy, Kinesiology and Physical Education, and Social Work until mid-July. The Engineering Communication Program offers appointments for in-person and online tutoring sessions during both summer terms. The OISE Student Success Centre will be open for limited appointment hours. The Daniels Writing Centre will be closed May 1-Sept. 6, but students may contact writing@daniels.utoronto.ca regarding a limited number of appointments during the summer sessions.
- The Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre and the U of T at Scarborough Writing Centre will both be open in the summer. Find out more about the writing centres at UTM and UTSC.
- The writing centre for graduate students, the Graduate Centre for Academic Communication will be open May, June, and August.
You may book an appointment either by visiting the writing centre home page in your college or faculty or simply by visiting the common online booking system. Just follow the instructions on the welcome page. You will find links taking you to all centres that you are eligible to use.
Most writing centres will be offering extended hours for the remainder of spring term, and appointments will be available at most centres during Study Break. Check your writing centre for availability.
All U of T operations are affected by the COVID-19 response; check with your writing centre to learn how they are handling appointments. The Message from the University regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) can be found here.
Registration opens on January 6, 2020, for ELL’s new Mini-Course, called “Language and Place: Mapping Multilingual Journeys.”
This course is a unique experience! You’ll get speaking, writing and critical thinking practice while exploring your relationship to language. This free, non-credit course will be taught by Dr. Paola Bohorquez during Winter 2020 Reading Week.
To register (Arts & Science undergraduates only): Send your name, college, and year of studies to ell.newcollege@utoronto.ca.
For more information, visit the ELL Website: https://uoft.me/4JZ
Join us on Facebook: “ELL at U of T”
Follow us on Twitter: @ELL_Program
*FREE* quality English language instruction with the ELL Program starts again in Winter 2020! The *NEW* Communication Cafe schedule includes sessions on abstract photography, networking at parties, Grammar Games, and more (starting January 6, 2020—no registration needed). Sessions are taught by ELL professors and writing centre instructors. (For Faculty of Arts & Science undergraduates only).
For more information about the English Language Learning Program, visit: https://www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current/academic-advising-and-support/english-language-learning
Most writing centres will be offering extended hours for the remainder of spring term, and appointments will be available at most centres during Study Break. Check your writing centre for availability.
Most writing centres will be open during Reading Week, some for reduced hours. Check your writing centre for availability. After Reading Week, many centres will offer increased hours.